Hello world!

Why the title, “You’ve Lost that Lovin’ Healing”? If you are feeling like you have lost that spark in your life, if you feel generally unhealthy, unloved, stressed, or just plain blah and you are looking to regain your spark and feel ALIVE again then you are in search for that “lovin’ healing”. I would like to meet you on your journey and help you find that lovin’ healing, wherever you are, I will meet you there.

How did my healing journey start?

It was 19 years ago, I had recently graduated from college with my Bachelors degree  emphasis in pre-med, and I was living on Advil.

My back pain began a little over a year after giving birth to my oldest, Tyler. The natural activities of caring for an infant kept me in constant back pain which led to my over the counter “pain management.”

My mother suggested I visit a chiropractor. I was not raised seeing one nor did I know what they did exactly but I was willing to try a new tool, a different perspective, to feel better.

I scheduled my first adjustment and was grateful for the immediate benefits. What a relief, I could once again lift my child out of his crib, get up off the couch without wincing and stand up after changing his diaper without pain.  I chose to continue with regular care and discovered that adding chiropractic to my self care regiment empowered my body to embrace life’s adventure. 

This became even more evident when I became pregnant with my second child, Andre.

I was anticipating the same type of pregnancy issues I had with Tyler like heartburn, nausea, moodiness, to name a few. None developed.

Once again chiropractic care had improved my overall wellness, my body embraced this pregnancy, and my labor time was cut in half!

The impact of being able to enjoy my pregnancy over those 9 months, while caring for my toddler, was my defining experience. It ignited my passion to help others through chiropractic care the way I had been helped. I wanted to scream it from the rooftops, “ you don’t have to suffer!!!!”

I refocused my career goals towards becoming a chiropractor and enrolled in Palmer College.

I see many patients with similar stories, pain has sidelined them, they are no longer living their adventure. They are getting by, in pain.

Pain is not “normal”, there are no normal headaches, you should not have a stomach ache after every meal and your right knee is the same age as your left so getting old isn’t why your left knee hurts. 

Your knee hurts because one or more of the 14 muscles that work to hold, support and move your knee are not doing their job. That is where my job comes in. First,  what muscles aren’t working and why. Second, once we have the why we can start removing the interference and get those muscles doing their job. Then it is all about re-education. Retraining those muscles to stop compensating and continually do their job.

God doesn’t make junk. He made us self healing, if we ask the right questions and listen to the answers our broken pieces can be put back together. Sometimes that takes a lot longer than we would like, but with perseverance and patience we CAN get there!